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The Gospel is a matter of life and death.
Your prayers and financial gifts
make a vital difference!
"...your prayer has been heard, and your alms are remembered in the
sight of God" (Acts 10:31)
Please Note:
Year end receipts require a complete mailing address. Please share your address with us during the PayPal payment process by clicking the appropriate box.
e-transfer donations:
*Please share your mailing address with us so we can send you a year end donation receipt.
Yes, I would like to help City of David Messianic Synagogue!
To give a monthly or a one-time gift:
Giving by cheque:
Make the cheque payable to City of David.
Mail to: 7775 Yonge Street, Thornhill, ON, Canada, L3T 2C4
We are grateful for your prayers and gifts:
“The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.” ’
(Numbers 6:24-26)
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